The Internet Is Heartbroken Over Vine Shutting Down

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News that Twitter is shutting down Vine has devastated users.

According to an announcement on Medium posted Thursday, the popular short-form video-sharing app will be discontinued “in the coming months,” though the Vines will still be accessible and available for download.

Many Vine users found a voice, friends, and careers through the app, and several fans took to Twitter (TWTR) on Thursday to lament the loss.

Some noted that the loss of Vine is a serious blow to black people and people of color, who found an audience through the app wouldn’t have reached through traditional media.

Other users pointed to Vine’s influence on recent social and political movements, especially during the Ferguson protests in 2014.

Vine co-founder Rus Yusupov, who was laid off by Twitter last year, weighed in as well.

Twitter acquired Vine ahead of the app’s official launch in 2013. Earlier Thursday, the company reported a sharp slowdown in revenue growth on Thursday and said it would cut 9% of its workforce.

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